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7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion After Divorce


Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living 'out of the habit' of being married, especially if you have been married for many, many years.

Eventually, you begin to think about dating, but it is suggested that you take your time. Use this precious opportunity to rediscover yourself. Think of this time in your life as an adventure to explore the real you. If you have worked outside the home combined with being a mom and wife for the last ten, fifteen or twenty years, you may have lost yourself along the way. Certainly not on purpose, but as most women try to do it all as 'super' moms, many times we put our own wants and needs on hold to keep our families and jobs running smoothly!

Take a deep breath and let's start to rediscover our true passions and say... Will the Real Me Please Stand Up!
1) Treasure Your Gifts Within
Realizing we are all born as 'gold nuggets' is a hard concept for many women to believe about themselves. Think about how magnificent you really are! Over time, you might have forgotten your unique gifts and are only thinking of what you don't like about yourself or your life. Set a new intention, starting today, to list all of your great qualities and read that list everyday. Keep reading it until you believe it. Examples: beautiful smile, kindness, generosity, loving, caring, intelligent. keep going. Your list is endless, when you start focusing on your great qualities. Allow yourself to see the shining gold within. It's already there!
2) Give Yourself A Break
During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Many women feel the need to stay busy to keep their minds off of this stressful time, such as working overtime or cleaning the house from top to bottom, but let this time also include pampering yourself. For example, barter with a friend or neighbor to watch your children or leave work early to give yourself this needed time. Yes, you do deserve to do something special for yourself. It can be as simple as taking a bath or a walk, going to the mall or reading a book with your favorite cup of tea. Give yourself permission - it's O.K. Remember, the happier you are, the happier your family will be!

3) No regrets! No bitterness!
Holding onto regrets and bitterness will only keep your life from moving forward. Is your inner voice working overtime with all the 'what if's' and 'if only's'? This is normal for a period of time, but ask yourself... are these thoughts serving me or helping me feel better? Will thinking about them over and over again change anything? To move your life forward, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and to learn from your past experiences to prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter of your life. Yes, there is life after divorce. Learn to let it go! Just, let it go! A quote from Buddy Hackett, 'I never hold a grudge because while I am being angry, the other person is out dancing.'
4) Enjoy the Little Things
Life after divorce usually means added responsibilities. If you are a single parent or are now the one responsible for the once shared to-do list, how do you handle it all without being totally stressed out? To start, learn to laugh more, especially at yourself. Learn to let things go and not take life so seriously. Lighten-up! Learn to live in the present moment. Living in the present is where all the 'good stuff' in life happens. Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow's worries are tomorrow. Think of it this way, when one is missing this moment in time, one is missing out on one's life.
So how do we live in the present? If you are feeling stressed, immediately leave your thoughts in your head and take off your blinders. (Blinders similar to what a horse would wear, not allowing it to see from side to side). Start to look around you. I mean really look around you. Look closely at everything. Really focus. Use all your senses! For example, if you are with your children observe them. Cherish their smiles. Give them a hug. See the true beauty of who they are and appreciate them for being a part of your life. You will start to feel your stress subside and a feeling of peace sweep over you. To be present, no matter where you are, use all your senses to pull you back into the moment. Take time to appreciate all the beauty that already exists around you. You only have to be present to see it!

5) What Makes Your Heart Sing?
What really matters to you? What do you feel is your true purpose in life? If someone asked you that question, how would you answer them?
Why is it so important to be clear on what your life's purpose is? Knowing your purpose, will give you a true sense of who you are and why you were put on this earth. It gives your life direction and helps you make clear and easy decisions concerning that direction. It's your compass! Without a purpose, can your life be compared to a piece of driftwood? Floating endlessly in whichever direction the tide decides to take it and ending up on any beach with no will of its' own. When you live your life based on your purpose you are living in integrity with yourself and are in alignment of who you really are in all aspects of your life - body, mind and spirit. Take this time to focus on what really matters to you. Feel the true passions that exist in your heart and write them down.
6) What Are Your Vibes Saying About You?
Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction? Maybe you have heard the expressions, 'What you think about, you bring about' or 'The more attention you give to something, the more attention it will give to you.' When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.
A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack (lack of time or money) and high energy is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of low energy, how do you make a shift to feel more of the high energy?

First, acknowledge and accept the feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from low to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number three and become present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple like pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are in the office, take a minute to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a smile to your face. Feel the shift you are starting to make in your energy.
Now, to amp up this high-energy feeling, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high-energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seem the people or situations around you have changed or is it you who has really changed? So, who has the power to feel their own joy? When you are feeling your high energy, this is the time to take your next inspired action. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7) Be True To Yourself
During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart. What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not feel right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best thing to do. By waiting you may have allowed the situation to unfold more easily without having to worry! If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading in the right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.
Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this . STOP! Take a breath or even take a step back (this action will prevent you from saying yes). Pause! Thank the person for thinking of you, but let them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are still feeling doubtful, realize the timing might not be right for you. If you are still excited, join the committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun, but you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, honor yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discovered the 'gold nugget' you already are, you will start to live your life with more ease and enjoy the feeling of peace. 'You are truly free!'

How To Choose a Dating Service


There are so many dating sites out there, hundreds if not thousands, how do you even begin to decide where to register and start your online dating experience?
You could just pick one at random, create a profile, and sit back and wait for the other members to beat a path to your email inbox. Who knows, you could get lucky and it might work out first time. But even a tiny bit of investigation beforehand could save a lot of time and frustration!
The trick is to be prepared. You probably wouldn’t go off to buy a new car and start by trawling around dealerships at random, you would already have an idea as to what sort of car you want – how big, how fast, how much money you had to spend, and so forth. Based on these criteria you would have a good idea of which car showrooms to visit to find the right sort of vehicle for your particular needs. So the first question to ask yourself, is what do you want out of a dating site? Sounds obvious – a date! But what sort of date? Are you looking for a serious relationship possibly leading to marriage? Or are you after a casual partner and you’ll see where it leads? Or perhaps you just want some uncomplicated fun. The good news is that among the myriad of services out there on the web, there is something to cater for every requirement. Some sites will suit all tastes, but there are many that specialise, and the more specific you are about what you want, the better your chances of finding it.
Before looking at the sites on offer, think about how you will write your personal profile. Jot down a paragraph or two about yourself, your interests, and your hopes for a partner. Then write a few words about what you are looking for in a potential dating match. Doing this offline will help you structure in your own mind what sort of date you are looking for, and then when you go and look at some dating sites, you’ll easily be able to pick out those that offer the best chance of providing what you want. The added benefit of course is that when it comes to filling in your profile online, you will be prepared and wont be sat in front of your screen lost for words. Instead your profile will read in a very natural and honest way.
I would always recommend choosing at least two sites to register with and put your profile on, after all, they are almost all free to start with – you only need decide if you want to pay when and if someone of interest turns up and you want to make contact.
Websites like The Dating WebReview can also save you time. The reviews will quickly give you an idea about the services each dating site offers, and whether they specialise.
Choosing an internet dating site isn’t difficult. In the end it comes down to finding one that you enjoy using. After all, if it appeals to your taste, then you already have something in common with the other members.

CyberDating Lie Detecting


Did you know that Online Dating is the top moneymaker on the Web? Chances are good that if you are single, you have joined a site or two yourself. If so, you've probably asked my CyberRomance clients' top question too:

"How can I tell if they are lying?" Lot's of ways! Here goes:

First off, much of "the problem" of Internet lying is media over hype. What kind of interest would there be in a story about all the honest people who are on the Net?

But of course some people do lie, and being concerned about who is and who isn't lying makes a heck of a lot of sense.

Reasons people lie:

  1. To avoid conflict.

  2. To avoid the consequences of their behavior.

  3. To postpone having to make changes in lifestyle.

  4. To hide something they did or did not do.

  5. To avoid rejection.

  6. To be in control of a situation.

  7. To avoid being embarrassed.

  8. To make themselves appear more successful, good, or talented than they really are.

  9. All make terrific reasons for people to lie online.

How to detect lying:

A truthful person will be "congruent." That means that all the information they give out -- their words, body language, they way they live and dress, everything -- fits together and contains no contradictions. People who lie will be incongruent in some way.

Here's what to watch out for:

1. How they use words: written, on the phone, or in person --

  1. Talking faster or slower.

  2. Changes in voice pitch.

  3. Taking charge of conversation, attempts to distract you.

  4. Continual denying of accusations.

  5. Unusual voice fluctuations, word choice, sentence structure.

  6. Stalling the conversation by repetitive use of pauses and comments like "um" or "you know."

  7. Lack of use of contractions.

  8. Prefers emphasizing "not" when talking.

  9. Being extremely defensive.

  10. Saying "Trust me."

2. How they behave or the attitudes they exhibit:

  1. Being hesitant.

  2. Nervous laughter.

  3. Smugness.

  4. Uncommon calmness.

  5. Providing more information and specifics than is necessary or was asked for.

  6. Inconsistencies in what is being shared.

3. In-person behavior clues:

  1. Touching chin, covering the mouth, or rubbing brows.

  2. Crossed arms or legs.

  3. Pupils narrow.

  4. Playing with hair.

  5. Body language and facial expressions don't match what is being said such as saying "no", but nodding head up and down.

  6. Avoidance of eye contact, eyes glancing to the right, staring past you or down, or turning away from you while they are talking.

  7. Rigid or fidgeting.

  8. Slouching posture.

  9. Unnatural or limited arm and hand movements.

  10. Partial shrug.

  11. Lack of finger pointing.

  12. May place a barrier such as a desk or chair in front of self.

  13. Sweating, even if it isn't a warm day.

  14. Saying "no" several times.

4. Your own inner cues:

You sense something is not right.

Explanations do not feel enough for you.

You feel confused, you find yourself squinting or angling your head.

You feel a block or a wall between you and the other.

In Internet dating, or any kind of dating for that matter, keep your anxiety down, your head attached, and LISTEN to everything your date tells you in every way. People tell you about themselves constantly, from the very first second of contact. You have to be willing to hear it. Not only do they tell you by what they do say, they tell you by what they don't say.

Many of these cues can come from simple distraction or nervousness, not deceit. New daters have plenty of reasons to be anxious. Signs of lying differ from one person to another. Don't let your own nervousness force a jump to wrong conclusions. Give your date a break and take some time.

Often, Cyber daters move too quickly to the phone and/or a face to face meeting. Gone is the golden opportunity to safely ask questions and study answers slowly and over time. Vastly increased are tension and anxiety, which complicate clear thinking and judgment.

With online dating, you have a tremendous advantage over meeting immediately flesh-to-flesh: You have a written record of what the other tells you. Make use of it! Take your time and get to know your potential Sweetheart the old-fashioned way -- through writing!

Flirting For A Long-Term Relationship

Have you ever wondered why we flirt? I mean, we've all done it at some time but it's one of those things that we do without really giving any though to why or how.
Quite simply, flirting's our way of letting the opposite sex know that we're available. What it says we're available for depends entirely on how we flirt but for the sake of this article, I'll concentrate on some flirting tips hat's done when you're with somebody you might like to develop a committed relationship with.
If you're a bit on the shy side, perhaps lacking in self confidence after being away from the singles scene for a long time, flirting can be quite a daunting task. It isn't difficult. It's like everything else; practice makes perfect so if you want to be a successful flirt on the serious dating scene, you need to start sticking your toes back in the water before you dive in after the big fish. Find a few fellas who you think are nice but are unlikely to bump into at the local post-office or your regular watering hole and practice your flirting skills on them. If you get it wrong the most you'll lose is the time you spent flirting but you'll have learned a lot. When you start to feel confident, that's the time to home in on the guy of your dreams and show him what you're made of. Here are some of the Flirting Tips;

Picture the scene. You're sitting at a pavement cafe on a warm, sunny day. A reasonably nice looking guy walks past, glances in your direction but looks as miserable as sin. Five minutes later another reasonably nice looking guy walks past. This one looks across as you and smiles. Which of them would you most likely want to get to know better? My bet's that you'd go with the second guy, simply because he smiled.
A smile immediately gives your appearance more warmth so you'll seem more open and inviting to others.
When he talks, smile in appropriate places. Don't sit there grinning like a Cheshire cat; at best you'll appear false, at worse he'll think you've forgotten to take your medication. A smile shows interest and best of all, it's contagious.
Eye Contact
Everybody enjoys looking at something they find appealing and you don't want him to think you don't fancy him, do you? If you're shy or insecure about flirting you'll perhaps find it difficult to hold his gaze for a moment longer than you should but you really MUST look at him when he's speaking. Looking at everything else will just say 'that crack in the pavement's more interesting to look at than you' and that's hardly what you want, is it?
If, on the other hand, you're super confident, don't go making the reverse mistake and spend the evening staring at him. Men may love to boast to their mates that 'she couldn't take her eyes off me' but in reality, being stared at makes a person feel awkward and embarrassed.
Touch Him
A difficult one, this! Especially if you're shy.
Think back to primary school and that boy who fancied you (or fancied your mate, or whoever). Remember how he used to push you in the corridor or pull your hair in the playground? It's hardly strange we find it difficult to understand the opposite sex when that's how they behave when they fancy us but it was all about having the opportunity to touch us.
Now that we're older we have to find other ways of touching one another without appearing to be too intimate. Dancing's a good solution, as is touching his arm or knee when laughing together. Losing your balance slightly whilst walking together so that you have to reach out and balance yourself against him's another good ploy, as is asking him to help you on with your coat.
Feel Sexy
Dress to feel sexy but remember that sexy isn't about showing it all. In fact, it isn't necessarily about showing anything! The way the fabric feels against your skin, heels and wearing your frillies underneath your dress can all make a woman feel sexy without looking cheap. The really good news though, is when a woman feels sexy she'll automatically appear sexy to the opposite sex.
Show Interest
Sounds pretty obvious doesn't it, but sometimes it's easy to think we're showing interest even though the signals are actually saying something else. Showing interest is a mix of all what's gone before; not looking at the floor instead of at him, touching him when you have the chance, looking him in the eye and smiling, but above all, it's about listening to what he's saying and asking questions. If you were interesting in buying a house, I'm should you'd listen keenly to what the owner or estate agent had to say and ask plenty of questions, wouldn't you? Do the same when you're interested in a man! After all, how important's a house compared with a loving, supportive life partner?
Appreciate Your Date
Whether you've had lunch, taken a walk around the park or spent an evening together, thank him for it and tell him how much you've enjoyed it. Don't go OTT; just say you've had a lovely time and that he's been good company.
Whatever you do, don't leave the date without letting him know that you're available for another. By saying nothing you're likely to leave him believing that you don't want to see him again. At the very least, you'd leave him feeling confused and if his self-confidence isn't right up there next to the likes of Mick Jagger and Peter Stringfellow, he's hardly likely to call again. Saying something like 'give me a call if you fancy doing it again' will open the way for him to make further contact. Playing hard to get rarely works.
Now it's up to you to get out there and start practising your flirting skills. Flirting with Guys may seem like a daunting task right now but believe me, it won't be long before flirting becomes second nature and you'll be wondering what the fuss was all about. Have fun Flirting.

Creating a Great Online Dating Profile


First impressions are important, which is why it is essential to create an appealing, but honest profile of yourself. After all, this is the only information that a potential suitor has to go on initially and the decision on whether or not to contact you will be based upon what he or she reads in your profile. A great photo alone is not enough. After all, would you really want someone to choose you based purely on the way that you look rather than the person you are?
If you are not submitting a photo, then it is even more important to give a good description of yourself, your interests and your dislikes, along with information about the type of person you are seeking. A great profile will improve your chances of linking up with someone compatible and someone who is genuinely interested in you as a person.
There are no benefits in embellishing facts or lying, since the truth will emerge once you meet somebody. If they discover that you have distorted the truth, then trust will be lost, along with a potentially great relationship. You want somebody to choose you, because of who you are and not because you appear to live up to someone else’s fantasy.
Allow your personality to shine through. If you have a talent for wit and a great sense of humour, then incorporate these qualities into your profile. Be totally honesty about whom you are seeking, even down to including traits that you wouldn’t like in a potential partner and what you are hoping to gain from a future relationship. Conclude on an inviting note.
Don’t, of course, include too many personal details, such as your home address, telephone number, social establishments you frequent, vital statistics or bodily flaws, unless you want some weirdo with a penchant for bunions or three nipples to turn up drooling on your doorstep.
Choosing a Photo to Accompany Your Profile
Do include a recent, but flattering photo of yourself, not one that was taken 10 years ago when you were a different size/had a different hair colour/had more hair/less wrinkles/were going through your Gothic phase and which looks nothing like you do now. It may seem shallow, but those who include a photograph generally generate more interest than those who only submit a written profile.
Choose a clear photo in which you are smiling and appear approachable, rather than one taken when you were having a particularly bad day and which would probably deter anyone from wanting to contact you.
Double-Checking Your Profile
It is important to always double-check your spelling, punctuation and grammar before submitting your profile. Whilst most dating sites will provide the option of being able to edit your profile, it saves time in the long run by getting it right first time. I would always advise creating and saving your profile in Word or Notepad, so that if the pc decides to kick you out of the system for any reason whilst you are in the middle of inputting your profile, it will not be lost. It also means that if you join more than one dating site, you can simply cut and paste the profile into the relevant boxes on the site.
Online dating has revolutionised the matchmaking process, so why not make it work for you by portraying yourself in the best possible light and attracting Mr or Mrs Right into your life?

Online Dating. Is It Taken To Seriously?

When I look at allot of the online dating services I notice one common trend. People take it very seriously into finding there true love. I find it absolutely amazing the amount of people who are looking for there absolute perfect match.
There seems to be so many profiles out there who tell people exactly what it is they want from a partner. Its as if there an owner of a company and there trying to fill a certain job position. They then take and list there requirements and what they expect from a person. If they don't meet those requirements then they think there unsuitable. I think that's crazy.
Dating is about getting to know people and then seeing if you enjoy spending time with them. You will often meet people who you thought you would never date and end up having a strong relationship with them. I'm not saying that it isn't good to have certain expectations. It is good to have an idea of what you want in a partner. I'm just saying you need to have an open mind.
So what should you put in your profile?
Intsead of a whole big list of stuff like this is what I want and this is what I expect, you should have a touch of personality. Sure you will have certain expectations. You need to personalize them, so they just don't sound like your looking for a perfect person. If you like to joke around then add some little funnies throughout your profile. You need to show off your personality. Show people how you see the world and that you don't take everything so seriously.
When you go to a nightclub you don't just go to meet someone, you go to have some fun too. You need to look at online dating in the same way. Have some fun with it and don't take it to seriously. You will make things much easier on yourself.

Whats in a Kiss

Just think of being in front of a warm cracking with you partner in your hands, with a kiss and a cuddle. But have you ever thought about why people kiss? It could be a greeting or a sign of affection, but we all kiss.
Origin of the kiss
The strangest theory on the history of the kiss that I have heard finds its roots in the age of the cave man. It is thought that in primitive times that a mother pre-chewed the food for her baby and transferred it 'in a kiss'. Although this could never be proved, it would explain why the kiss is a sign of affection, between mother and child and latter, adults.
Another theory that I found was that the kiss was reflected in the Ziller Valley of Central Europe, where the exchange of pre-chewed tobacco between a male and a female was common. The young man would let a tip of the piece of tobacco, or spruce resin, etc rest between his closed teeth and invite the girl to grasp it with her teeth -- which of course obliged her to press her mouth firmly on that of the young man -- and pull it out. If a girl accepted the wad of pre-chewed tobacco, it meant she returned the boy's love.
The third theory that I found was from a religious or sacred origin. There have been examples from around the world as early as 2000 BC, that show that people could have brought their faces together to symbolise spiritual union. Even in the culture of Indians, it was believed that the exhaled breath was part of the soul, and by two people bringing their mouths together, showed the joining of their souls. (Another variation on this believed that kissing evolved from the smelling of a companion's face as an act of greeting. )
Kiss through history
Even without fully knowing where the kiss came from, it is well known that the kiss has been with us for a long time.
In the sixth century in France, dancing was one way to display affection, but every dance was ended in a kiss.
Apparently, Russia was the first to incorporate the kiss into the marriage ceremony, where a promise was sealed with a kiss.
The Romans kissed to greet each other. On Roman emperor showed a persons importance, by what part of his body they were allowed to kiss, from the cheek to the foot.
In 16th century England, the clove-studded apple originated. An apple was prepared by piercing it with as many cloves as the fruit could hold and then a maid then carried the apple through the fair till she spied a lad she thought worth kissing. She would offer him the apple, and once he'd selected and chewed one of the cloves, they would share a kiss. After that, the apple passed into the man's possession, and he would venture off in search of another lass to continue the game with.
At one stage it was even thought that people found kissing pleasurable because when the two lips met during kissing, an electric current was generated.
A kiss is a kiss
Now days, kisses range from small pecks on the cheeks as a greeting, to an the use of the lips and tongue as a sign of passion. It is that action that when two people embrace, causes hormones are released into the blood stream, inducing a sense of euphoria that you feed in the sweetness of your lovers mouth.
It's a kiss that brings every fibre of your being alive, turns your stomach over, sends Goosebumps up your spine. It's a kiss that forgives your misdemeanours and smiles at your mistakes. Ingrid Bergman puts it together in that "a kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous".