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6 Tips to Make Him Want You More Than Life Itself!


Many women go into a relationship with all the intentions of keeping things going great day after day. But somewhere along the way, it all starts to fall apart then we end up losing that person and wondering where we went wrong.

The key to keeping men is to make them want you. You need to give them a reason to want you more than life itself.

Not sure how to do it? Here are some tips:

Be Strong and Independent

Most men love strong and independent women, even though they won't say so. While they want a woman who will love them and be there for them when they need it, they also don't want someone who is needy and will always be whining to them.

Enjoy life

Most men love a woman who can enjoy life no matter what's happening and will want to be with that type of positive spirit.

Let Him Be A Man

Many women think they have to take control of relationships and all relationship situations to make it go well. For many men, this is counter to who they are. Give him a chance to be the gentleman, pick the place you're going, pick up the tab, open bottles or do harder things for you and make sure to appreciate that he was able to help you.

Support Him

We all have tough times in life, it even happens to those strong men we know. Make sure you are able to be there when he needs you.

Don't Be Clingy

Many women think the way to keep a man is to fall down at his feet and give him anything he wants. Most men will enjoy that for a while, but they will tire of it eventually, think less of you for it and end up dumping you when something more interesting comes along. At the same time you will probably end up hating yourself.

Don't Get Lazy

Keep yourself looking good. When he sees other men looking at you he will be more intent on keeping you for himself.
Making a man fall in love with you is a complicated matter. However, in this day and time, you can find some incredible resources online to help you in your quest


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