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Valentines Day

Ever wondered how February 14 became, the day on which we celebrate and explore love in all its many ideals, Valentines Day.

There are many differing opinions on how Valentines Day started.

One story say that when the Roman Empire reigned, a festival every February was held in honour of the God of Fertility and during this time, young men would choose their mate. When a Emperor named Claudius can around, he outlawed all marriages in fear that the men would not be able to fight. Young couples still fell in love though and still wished to marry and they took these desires to the Catholic Bishop Valentine who, understanding love, began to secretly marry couples. When Claudius found out, he had Valentine arrested and ordered put to death. While waiting in jail, Valentine began exchanging letters with the jailers daughter and soon had fallen in love with her. The day he was to be beheaded, he wrote her one last note and signed it: From Your Valentine.

Another story points to Christianity in 496 A.D outlawing the pagan Lupercian Festival and replacing it with a day in February to honour the martyr St. Valentine.

A third story as to the origin of passing out cards stems from a French Count who was captured and imprisoned in London. From his cell he wrote his wife letters, including a passionate set of poems which he sent to her in February.

At the turn of the century, a new form of Valentines Day card appeared the Penny Dreadful. Up until this point, cards were relatively expensive but the Penny Dreadful changed all that. They were just what the name implied, costing only one cent and completely bad. The cards were cheaply made, the artwork was amateurish and the colouring was uneven. On top of that the verses printed on them were not the most romantic of prose. They were more often insults, taking swipes at old maids, teachers and the like. Still their low cost kept them popular for years.

For hundreds of years, Valentines Day has been a day of symbols. You can hardly go through the day without seeing a rose (as a symbol to Venus, the Goddess of Love), images of doves and lovebirds (who mate for life) or hearts. The heart was thought to be the centre of all emotion. People believed that when they gave a heart, they were truly giving all of the love and emotion that they possibly could give.

Its past aside, Valentines Day is the second the most popular card sending holiday just behind Christmas with one billion a cards sent a year. When the calendar turns to February, we start to think of love. February has for centuries been designated the month for lovers, with the primary celebration being on February 14, St. Valentines Day. We send cards, flowers, and candy and our children give out Valentines in school. Valentines Day reminds us to tell our loved ones just how much we care about them.

Dating Tips for Divorced and Widowed Moms


Dating is tough, but it’s tougher for women who are divorced and widowed. Along with the fears of being “out of practice," there are often children’s feelings to consider.

How can a single mother enjoy a new romance without lying awake at night worrying about doing emotional damage to her children? Personal Strengths and Life Coach Sue Tosto of Garfield, New Jersey provides the answers.

1. How soon after divorce or the death of a husband is it appropriate to start dating?

It depends on the individual, but anyone going through a divorce should wait at least six months to one year before even considering dating someone new. Emotions are running high, and a person needs time to heal before putting herself back on the market. Some newly divorced or widowed people jump into relationships too early because they’re afraid of being alone. That’s almost always a mistake.

The first year after a divorce is the time to re-group and focus on making new friendships. A woman can reflect on all the things she wanted to do when she was married but didn't. This is a rough time emotionally, but it helps to view it as a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to re-develop a sense of self and decide what one really wants in life. A woman can consider what she hopes for in a new relationship and let go of the past in the process.

Dating after the death of a husband or partner is also not recommended for at least one full year. Two years is even better. The grieving process should never be rushed, and the length of time it takes for the bereaved to move on varies according to the individual.

Other matters to consider before dating include waiting until estate matters have been handled, i.e., insurance matters, review of the will, and the assignment of an executor or executrix if necessary. The stress a new relationship can cause during this emotional time is not recommended.

As with divorce, this is a time to spend with friends. It also helps to join a support group of others who have lost a loved one.

2. How long should the mother wait before introducing a new boyfriend to her children?

She should know him at least six months to a year. Otherwise, if she decides after dating him for 4 months that the relationship is going nowhere, the children will inevitably feel another loss. No child should be put through that after going through divorce or death of a parent. Children need time to heal as well. If the new man doesn’t respect that, he’s probably not great boyfriend material.

The first three months of a relationship is the honeymoon period. Everything is fresh and exciting. After around six months, the couple tends to relax and good behavior wears off. A woman gets to see what she’s really dealing with. Before she introduces her new beau to her children, she needs to find out what his goals are, to see if his values and beliefs are consistent with hers, and really develop a friendship with him.

3. What is the best way to introduce a new boyfriend?

Once a woman decides to start dating, she should explain it to each of her children in an age-appropriate manner. After she and a new partner have spent six months to a year together, she can start telling the children things about him, particularly what she likes about him or little stories about places they’ve gone together. This way the children understand that Mom is still Mom, which is critical, but they’ll also see that she’s happier. They will slowly make the adjustment that they may soon share her with somebody else. Inevitably, the children will become curious about him. They may ask to meet him. I think it is wise to slowly incorporate the new partner into the family.

4. How should she handle it if the child resents the new relationship? Should she stop seeing the boyfriend?

Children will often resent a new relationship for the simple reason that they now have to share their mother with someone else. A woman can reassure her children that even though she is going out, she is coming back home to them. She should continue do the things with them she always did. Before she even starts dating, it might help to hire a babysitter and use the afternoon to go shopping, just to get the children accustomed to seeing her go out every once in a while.

Observing the children’s reactions while the new man is around should provide some clues to other causes of resentment. A woman should also gently ask her children why they don’t like her new partner. She should remember, though, that some children may not know exactly how to express why they dislike someone. It’s important to tread carefully. A new relationship is stressful for the whole family.

If the children are really having a hard time with it, family counseling can get to the root of the problem, especially if all other avenues have been exhausted. The most important thing a single parent can do is to treat her children the same way she did before she met the new partner.

5. Is it ever acceptable to allow the boyfriend to sleep over, or should the couple book a babysitter and get a room?

Get a room, unless the kids are at Dad's for the weekend. Children don't need to see some stranger coming out of Mom's room in the morning (or their Dad’s, either). A new relationship is exciting and the partners are certainly entitled to time alone, but a single parent must handle it delicately and deliberately. Her (or his) behavior will instruct the children about man/woman relationships in ways they will carry around with them for the rest of their lives.

New Online Dating Tips


With online dating you date at your pace and you never have to reveal any personal details about yourself unless you wish to do so. Here are some online and offline dating tips for you for practicing:

First Step: Online dating 1. Do not include any personal information in your profile, Reputable dating sites have a privacy policy so that their members can be part of a safe online dating environment and any personal information given will not be revealed to others.

2. Take your time getting to know someone online before giving any personal information about yourself and before arranging to meet him/her.

3. Don't lie in your profile or upload a fake photograph. Do you want to meet someone who is faking his/her identity or photo?

4. It is a good idea to set up a free email account like yahoo. This way you do not have use your main personal email address in the event that you no longer wish

to have contact with a member.

5. Be careful if you think a member is lying to you. Beware of someone who pressurizes you for anything inc. personal details or an early date.

6. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable stop messaging him/her. Reputable dating sites provide features for you to report inappropriate messaging or even blocking these users.

Next Step: Offline dating

1. If you would like to meet someone

"offline" only reveal minimal information to begin with. Start with your email address and then maybe your mobile. As email and even phone number can be changed easily if necessary.

2. If you call another member use the "block my number" feature to prevent your number appearing on his/her phone.

3. If you arrange to meet someone, always make sure it is in a public place and preferably in daylight for the first meeting.

4. Always let someone else know who you are

going to meet, where you are going and what time you should be back home.

5. If you're drinking alcohol, don't drink too much and never leave your drink unattended.

Finally, trust your instincts cause they are usually right!

To contact me for comments or any questions about Online dating and Offline Dating tips do not hesitate to send me an email...

Dating Tips for the Shy Woman


Dating can be an absolute nightmare for shy people. You want to meet the right person, but you’re too scared to do anything about it.
Introductions—sticking out one’s hand and looking another person in the eye—can be terrifying for the shy woman. The brain locks up as you scramble to think of something relevant to say. You fall apart as soon as you’re asked what you do for a living. You stammer. The heat rises in your face and under your arms. You’re suddenly incapable of forming a grammatical sentence. You think to yourself, “Why would anyone care about me? I’m really not that interesting!"
Fear not. Many shy people have succeeded in meeting new people and forming lasting, happy relationships. With a little practice, you can too. Here are some tips for taming your social terror.
1. Prepare a pitch. The question, “So, Sally, what do you do for a living?" is bound to come up, so have a ready answer. No need to brag about capturing the company Tidy Break room Award; just state clearly what you do for a living and don’t apologize for it!
2. Ask questions. People love to talk about themselves (okay, except for people like you), so ask questions. Come up with a list before you leave the house, i.e., How did you get into that line of work? Where did you go to school? Have you seen the new Brad Pitt movie? And so on.
3. When you fumble, turn the subject to the other person. Whenever you find yourself longing to throw a blanket over your head and crawl off, try saying something like “And what about you?"
4. Listen to what the other person is saying! This is important. Instead of fretting about what you’ll say next, still the wheels of your mind and listen. If a man tells you about his weekend on the golf course, and you know absolutely nothing about golf, just ask him what he likes about it, how he got into it, etc.
5. Smile. People respond well to people who smile. No need to grin like an idiot, but a disarming smile will get ‘em every time. Smiling conveys friendliness and approachability. Show teeth whenever possible. Avoid looking like a figure at a wax museum by practicing in a mirror before you leave the house.
6. Breathe. Whenever you feel your heart racing, breathe deeply and slowly. If you really start to feel uncomfortable (your face has become so hot you could use it for a wok), excuse yourself and go to the restroom.
7. Compliment the other person. Sincerity is key, so find something you like and mention it. You may be freaked out by the idea of complimenting a man on his soulful eyes, so mention his watch, suit, tie, or even his shoes. No need to go overboard: “Nice shoes," will do it.
8. Stay on top of current events. You don’t necessarily want to bring up your stand on Bush v. Kerry during a first meeting, but be able to discuss less controversial issues intelligently.
9. Remember the weather! Some people have the “gift of gab," the ability to make strangers feel like they’ve known them forever. They are fearless about talking about the weather, gas prices, whatever. Shy people worry that talking about mundane things will make them appear stupid. But seemingly dull subjects like the weather affect everybody. People relate to them.
10. Hold your head up. It’s the simplest, most effective way to look confident. Good posture, coupled with that fabulous smile of yours, gives you a “winner’s vibe." You’re guaranteed to be a hit!
Be warned: These tips will not help you if you don’t leave the house. It’s just too easy to watch a Friends rerun for the umpteenth time instead of meeting people, but I promise you that Prince Charming is never going to climb through your bedroom window.
Talking to strangers can be uncomfortable, but with practice it will surely get easier. If you have a bad night, congratulate yourself for making the effort. When you have a good night, understand that you earned it. Know that countless wonderful nights are on their way to you.

The Big Secret to Attracting the Hottest Girls - The Alpha Male System Works!


Guys, I want you to know the big secret that you need to have if you want to start attracting the hottest women. I'm telling you that it isn't as difficult as you think. You need to understand how women feel attraction and on what level. Once you understand this, everything will fall into place for you. The secret is you need to be the alpha male. Being the alpha male will change your life for the better and allow you to start easily getting hot women. Do you want to know why?
First, I want you to know why I'm sharing this with you. The reason is I have been where you are at, and I don't want you there anymore. I changed my success with women, and you can too. This stuff works but you have to follow it. If you are sick and tired of not having a girlfriend, or if you just want to start dating more women than you need this.
Why do you think that women are so attracted to the alpha male? Because the alpha male has what you need to have and that is confidence. You need to become a man filled with self-confidence. Women are very attracted to this trait. In fact, it doesn't matter how you look or even how much money. But the one thing that you need to have is confidence. That is the secret that women don't want you to know, because it is the quickest way to trigger attraction in them.
Are you ready to get the self-confidence that you deserve? Do you want to be the alpha male that women absolutely desire?

How to Attract Women Online - Is the First Message Crucial to Your Success?


When I really sit back and think about it, it really is very easy to attract women online. First off you don't have to worry about the face-to-face rejection simply because you're standing or sitting behind a computer. All you have to worry about is typing the right message that will entice her to want to talk to you. Also you want to separate yourself from the pack and not be like the rest of the guys. Is very easy to be different simply because most men are typical.

If you want to learn how to attract women online you have to remember that your first message is key. The first message will tell her what you're all about, and dictate how the whole relationship will most likely be. You want to make sure your first message is different from all the rest.. You have to understand most guys will always compliment the girl on how beautiful they are.

If you do this there is a good chance you will not get a response. Why? Well you'll come off like every other guy and therefore there will be no interest or appeal. So my suggestion would be not to comment how beautiful she is at first instead say something like she looks like the type of girl who is on the computer all day and night.

What this will do is get her to want to answer you simply because no one likes to be categorized as a computer nerd just sitting behind a computer to attract woman online, very simply if you just distinguish yourself from the other guys out there doing the same old thing. You always have to try to separate yourself from the pack because girls are tired of plain old boring guys.

How to Pick Up Gorgeous Girls - The Ultimate Super Effective Ways to Pick Up Girls Almost Instantly


Who doesn't want a gorgeous girl by their side? So much for beauty! How men rant and rave and compete for the best looking women to be theirs. And yes its very, very natural to be attracted to beauty. Yes, men discuss beautiful girls, its one of their hottest topics of discussion.

Here are five dos that will surely help you pick up a gorgeous girl...

Gorgeous girls are attracted to gorgeous looking men. It's a point to be noted, and that goes vice versa. But often gorgeous women get attracted to good looking men as well. In general, a man has to be confident of himself first.

Second, check to see on the inside of you whether you have what it takes to attract the gorgeous females around you. What! You shriek, well it's your perception of what gorgeous means. Be rationale in your thought pattern and not unattainable.

Third, as a man, one must possess a good rapport with women, I don't mean become a ladies man or anything like that but know in general what women want from men. They surely don't want a dull, boring inconspicuous male trying to charm them with some irrelevant chatter. Be lively and consciously seductive.

Well, the fourth way here is to strike up good eye contact because a gorgeous girl gets attracted to men that look deep into their eyes and exchange what cannot be exchanged verbally. The eyes reflect what is on the inside of a person.

And, fifth, now it is time to go in for the kill. Watch that gorgeous girl you've been targeting begin to come in your direction and she won't be leaving in a hurry. Hey, you've done yourself proud, what, with that gorgeous girl on your side.

Do these and you will have no regrets. What's more, it will work for you time and time again as you master the art of getting it right.

Wish you all the best as you set out to win gorgeous girls!

How to Attract a Girl - Shocking Facts of How These Ugly Guys Can Get Gorgeous Girls


You may have wondered why some guys can get a gorgeous girl. Although these people are neither handsome nor rich, they can get good girls. What makes these guys so attractive to girls? This article will let you know their secrets. It will be about how to attract girl when you are not rich and handsome.

First of all, being rich and handsome may not be your success factors in getting girl. The major success factors in attracting girls include:

1 Be confident

Attractive men have confidence. They know what they are doing and accept responsibility on it. They lead their life. Girls admire that. Girls are comfortable when they are around with the leaders. This is because most of them need leaders to support their families in the future. So, if you want to attract good girls into your life, you will have to build your confidence.

2 Have good manner and be polite

The guys who are attractive are normally polite to others. They accept other human beings the way they are. They treat other people equally well and with respect. Girls appreciate that because they know that such guys are reliable for them.

The good news is that it is not difficult at all to have such good manner. With the right attitude, you can easily do it.

3 Be sociable

If you do not open your mouth, girls will not know what you are thinking. You will need to go out and talk to people. Have fun when you talk to others. There are always many interesting things to learn when you converse. Smile and add the sense of humor. If you can do this, you will find that you are more attractive. A lot of time, girls will come and talk to you. I promise.
Desperate, Frustrate and Hopeless when it comes to attracting girls?

10 Ways to Develop Super Confidence to Attract Any Girl! Every Guy Must Know This


voice. Girls like to absorb confidence dripping out from super confident guys....

Here are 10 ways to develop super confidence to attract any girl.

The 1st way is to simply convince yourself that you can attract any girl. Pump yourself first if you want your charm to work on others.

You will also need to dress smartly, smell like an attractive but macho flower and sport a neat haircut that suits your face and body structure.

Developing a special skill such as singing, playing the guitar or dancing is a sure magnet to get a crowd of girls around you while also boosting your confidence.

I would suggest that you try to impress girls on a smaller scale so that you can fine tune your skills before moving on to the cheerleading team.

A sense of humor is also an excellent way to impress and attract any girl. It can break the ice very quickly and make the girl instantly comfortable with you.

A little bit of snootiness too is a good way of indicating that you are super confident. Talking in a calm and composed manner too without raising your voice to a high pitch can have a calming effect on girls.

If you have muscles to flaunt around then wear the right clothes that bare your body. Along with attracting girls physically towards you, it will also act as a huge ego-booster.

Again, if you shower with money everyday, then showing girls that you are rich is sure to make even those girls that might have ignored you earlier, stand up and take notice.

Whenever you make an entrance, remember to position yourself in the centre of as many girls as you can. This will enable most girls to see you and you can now confidently talk your way into their hearts.

Along with your super confidence, also make sure to read the body language of any girl talking to you since it will provide a clear indication as to whether your charm is working on them or simply boring them.

Use these above ways to develop a killer confidence to attract any girl towards you like a female bear is attracted to a jar of honey.

How to Make Any Girl Like You Within Seconds - 5 Ways Which Work Like Absolute Magic


Every man dreams of dating young beautiful women. However, impressing a gorgeous dame is not very easy as there already are many suitors waiting to make an impact on her. To impress a girl and make her like you within seconds, you not only need style but lots of confidence as well. Apart from dressing smartly, the way you talk is what matters the most in such situations.

Here is how you can make any girl like you within seconds...

Females prefer strong and bold men over timid ones. Walk with your head held high and carry yourself smartly. See that your gait is confident and you come across as a charming guy.

Girls are quickly impressed by guys who have a good sense of humor. Crack light and funny jokes to make the lady smile. However, do not go over board with it. No girl wants to date a clown.

Most men find it hard to wear a smile, especially when they are trying to impress a girl. That's because although they show they are super confident beings, they are actually trembling in their pants. Come on guys be natural and flaunt your charming smile. A smile can make you look friendly and even if it is not going to make the girl weak in her knees, at least she wont get intimidated in your presence.

When speaking to the girl make eye contact and let your gaze linger on her a few milliseconds longer than normal. Avoid staring at her, but look at her face when exchanging pleasantries.

Stop gazing at other women. Trying to impress several other females at the same time will leave you with no one beside you. Don't give an impression that you are a flirt. Instead identify one and focus all your energy on mesmerizing her.

Just be yourself and don't try to ape famous personalities. If the girl in question likes you, great, if not forget her. It's not the end of the world.

How to Make Any Girl Chase You Around Like Crazy - Trust Me! You Don't Want to Miss This at Any Cost


It's a common wish in every boy's life that a particular girl he likes or dreams about frequently would be the one chasing him around.

Especially those boys who are too shy to ask for a first or follow up date, they would give anything to see that ideal girl pushing any barrier between them and doing the chasing herself. It is indeed possible and easy even to achieve such a feat despite recurrent financial or social problems.

The first thing that such a man or even a boy should do is to ensure that he always wears extremely neat clothes. Putting the utmost care in the personal image, especially when one is going out, makes up for much in female psychology. One doesn't have to star as the most handsome guy in and around town but what is important is matching the looks with the personality such as using a distinct after shave or discreet perfume.

Secondly, a man must be very careful before saying anything. Whatever the kind of girl you are intimately interested in, a general truth remains that all girls adore compliments. So flatter them to the max without resulting to a bitchy language or even a vulgar behavior. Always endeavor to impress a girl among acquaintances by conversing about her star qualities or what she likes a lot.

Thirdly a guy must never be afraid when asking for what he wants. Whether a date or lay, a man not intimidated by the prospect of asking for it earns bonus points. Although remaining polite, nice and casual, a real man must always show guts and it's only the bold who wins in this game.

Finally, every man must know that girls like what borders on the mischievous. Being unique and out of the ordinary helps especially if a girls feels that you are hard to get. She will follow you around only if she feels that if she fails to do so, then she will lose you to another.
Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here

4 Psychological Tactics to Make Girls Like You - They Will Be Literally Addicted to You


Getting girls to like you may not come naturally to you unlike some of your friends. But don't worry you can always learn from others, educate yourself and then be sure to apply what you have learned. Girls are of different types and have different choices and preferences. It would do you good to get acquainted with the mindsets of different girls.
Here are four psychological tricks that will make girls like you...
First, girls get attracted to boys who exhibit different qualities. So, in other words you should have a versatile character. Being stereotype is most boring. Be yourself and not a pretender. Having a mixed personality normally blends well with girls. Some of them put their price up, so it all depends on how you gauge the situation.
Second, as a matter of fact girls are good judges of character most of the time. Attention should be given to one's appearance at all times. What you are shows in the way you dress, you need to capitalize on your strong points and build on that.
Third, ask yourself if you are a natural charmer. Girls like to be charmed and praised; it somehow does a world of good to their psyche. When you do this you will find that girls tend to swing in your direction. Girls like being complimented.
Fourth, by the time you implement the above tactics the girl of your dreams will get attracted to you and cannot just keep it to herself. She will begin responding to your overtures. Very soon you will find her not wanting to be away from your company.
Try these four mind tactics and you will for sure find the girls flocking to your side. Carry yourself well at all times and brush up your girl winning skills. Possess a genuine approach, watch yourself grow into a natural girl charmer and what's more your will learn many more tricks along the way!Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here

How to Get a Girl to Like You - Earth Shattering Ways to Make Any Girl Like You Almost Instantly


Girls do not like the best men around. Most girls do not like the men that most would feel are the best deserving. Rather, girls like what they feel they must or what they don't have a choice about.
Making a girl like you isn't complicated at all as it may seem because girls are actually as excited as boys are when it come to cross gender relationships. They key is to be confident. A guy should never be too excited about anything and he must keep a sense of humor at all times.
The guy ought to maintain a funny balance of emotions all through and any girl likes that.
Secondly, a guy must remember at all times some useless or insignificant things that mean a lot to any girl such as the stars, birthdays, anniversaries, the first date etc. failure to do this will be passing an opportunity to score with a girl to another more sensible man.
No matter how trivial such dates are to you, keep them at hand and never forget them and she will have no choice but to like you seeing that you care about her more than most.
A guy must live his own life without being a control freak who always falling back to a zone full of friends, parents, siblings, colleagues and such comfort zones. Girls will always like a man who they can themselves influence independent of other external influences.
When a girl sees or discerns that she is not hustling for you interest equally with other influences, she will definitely like you.
Finally, a guy must make an impression to the particular girl of choice because romance has no one-size-fits-all impression.
What might impress one girl may infuriate another and the best course of action is to be yourself and demonstrate the unique skill and or talent that sets you far apart from the ordinary crowd. Flirt with girls and let them see your confidence while doing what you do best and she will like you, no doubt.Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read Click Here

How to Attract a Woman Who Has a Boyfriend


Have you ever met a girl who you really like who then you discover is already in a relationship? Kinda sucks, doesn't it?

Look, dude - I won't blame you if you end up feeling down because she is with another guy. But what you can do is to use some tried and tested techniques and tactics so that you can win her over from the other guy. Read on to discover the two killer "girlfriend stealer" strategies you can use immediately and achieve mind blowing results fast...

Two Killer Strategies

Strategy Number One - "The Deadly Comparison". This is highly 'amoral' but anyway if you want to use it then do it at your own risk!

What this strategy entails is to first get to know from her what her boyfriend's weaknesses are. Look - there are FLAWS in every relationship - what you need to do is to identify them, and then EXAGGERATE them.

Once you have amplified her boyfriend's weaknesses then you must come across as the better 'alternative' to the boyfriend. Slowly, she will realize that you are much better than her boyfriend and with a little persuasion, she will dump her boyfriend for you.

Strategy Number Two - "Fractionation". This is a technique lifted from the field of underground hypnosis which has been used by master seducers to make women want to sleep with them - in as little as 15 minutes upon meeting them. Powerful stuff!

Using this technique, you can make a woman emotionally ADDICTED to you - more than her attachment to her boyfriend. What you will need to do is to make her go through a series of emotions (both happy and sad) in a conversation, and at the same time associate her pleasure (or happy) states to you.

As a result, she will become emotionally dependent on you. Don't be surprised if she starts to comply to all your requests, especially when you ask her to dump her boyfriend for you.
But before you use this technique, you must heed this warning...

Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists.

It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous.

But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this.

Dating Advice for Women


Dating Dos And Donts For Females
You found a person that you really like through online dating and you finally meet him in a bar. Remember that alcohol can affect your judgment. So try not to have too many alcoholic drinks. Gone are the days when dating means courting your future spouse you met at school or in your neighborhood. Romance could blossom now with a click of a mouse.

A note about free sites. Free dating sites with lots of members and activity are pretty hard to come by. You'll understand better after you do a few searches for free dating websites.

Dating a married man? What are the issues involved? Do you friends consider you a matchmaker? Do you have at least one couple you are friends with whom you set up? If you care about couples and are the matchmaking type, you could be next in line for your own business.

Communication in dating is essential. Not only do you need to know what your date needs and desires, you also need to know how those things play into your life. Don't get angry with your date if he hasn't fulfilled your every need if you didn't communicate those needs to him in the first place.

Woman's Touch: Dating Do's and Dont's For Females

It can be difficult to be a woman in the dating arena. A lot of things can go wrong for you more so than for your male counterpart. Plus, men can be really dense about a few things. Well, no worries. Here are a few tips on what to do and not to do during a date:

1) Timing is important - Timing as in 'on time'. No matter what they say, there is no such thing as 'fashionably late'. For the first date, this can give the guy jitters and make him think that you've stood him up. For the later dates, having him wait for you in the living room for half an hour with either your roommate, your sister or, worse, your father is not something you want him to do - whether it be for the embarrassing stories or Dad's 'eyes of doom'.

2) Keep your head on straight - Yes, we all know dates are supposed to be fun, but knowing what's going on is important both for your own safety and for your love life. Is your date acting suspiciously or is he just nervous? Maybe you'd want to end the date early or do something to calm him down. Is he taking notice of what you're wearing or just ogling? The choice to either wink at him or just stare knowingly is up to you. Is his attention on you or the girl next to you? You might wish to reward him with a smile or a slap. Situational awareness is not just for soldiers on the front but also for young women on the prowl.

3) Be nice - Have a positive attitude, find things that you like and tell him. Compliment him about his clothes, how he looks and how well the date is going. It puts him at ease and also makes him feel important. It also shows him that you're taking notice of him and you appreciate him. But, don't lie. Like I said, look at the bright side of things - the service of the restaurant may have been slow but the ambience was terrific.

There are always risks dealing with any US dating service. Think about it - you are meeting a total stranger. However, statistically there are more chances that you meet a crook or a pervert when using internet dating in USA than an offline dating service. Churches often stress the benefits of love, marriage, and family life, and Christians are encouraged to form relationships with others. Many Christian singles face the reality that meeting other eligible Christians can be quite difficult. Those in small churches often find it hard to meet enough single people, while singles in large church communities feel under the spotlight, or find it hard get to know people well.

I have learned that people are somewhat desperate to find true love and that they will often go to extreme measures to find someone special. One method that I often suggest to my clients is using adating service.

Make dating happen for yourself. People will not come and ring your bell from nowhere. Datingrequires positive action so go out there and meet people, as many people as you can. Practice your chat and flirting on shop workers, bar attendants, anywhere and everywhere.

If you decide to meet that special someone, always meet in a public place - NEVER meet in private for your first date! Always let someone know where you are going.

4) Do not complain - This may be technically part of tip three, but it deserves a separate heading. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't tell him that something is wrong or something makes you uncomfortable. The way you phrase it and the tone you use is important here. 'Venting', like we do with our girl friends, is not going to go over well with him since he'll probably misinterpret it. Grin and bear it then tell him after the date in calmly what your problem was. Trust me, he'll understand and he'll try to make it up to you.

5) Enjoy the date - A date is a chance to get to know each other and to enjoy yourselves. Have fun during the date. Try not to be hyper-critical, but just take things in your stride. If you're not having fun, your date will notice and, trust me, he will get nervous which will probably start ruining the experience for both of you. Also, just let your guard down for a little while. Let him see the real you. He may or may not like it, but in the end he will appreciate the honesty of the act. Besides, if he doesn't like you for you, why should you keep on dating?

6) Afterwards, show interest - If you really like the guy, waiting for the call after a successful date is nerve-wracking. You know he's interested and you're definitely interested, you're just waiting for him to call you so you could arrange another date. Try giving him a day or two. He usually has to get his act together and work up the courage to call. If he doesn't call, he's probably still tongue-tied from being in your presence. Call him up to say hello. Talk about the date and how you had fun and give hints. No matter how dense he is, he should then pick up on it and ask you for another date!

7) Be consistent - For those who've crossed the 'First Date' Rubicon, try maintaining the impression you made on him during the first date. Men don't like surprises except, of course, if they plan them. This doesn't mean, however, that you'll just give him the first date you. Talk to each other, both on and off dates, to get to know each other more. What he got on the first date was a sneak peek, what he should get from your continued dating should be the entire reel.

Well, there they are seven tips for dating success! Hopefully, this advice could help lead you through today's tough tangle of relationships. Happy hunting! Devise a simple dating plan. Meeting singles through personal ads, online dating sites and in the bar scene can expose you to a small percentage of undesirables. To avoid wasting your time, conduct thorough phone interviews with your prospective dates. Invest five to 10 hours of phone dating time first.

If your new to online dating you may have allot of questions going through your mind about finding a date online. You have maybe heard things like its not safe or that you wont find a long lasting relationship online. Lets look at my top 5 myths of online dating.

Through the Internet, you can search thousands of other Christian profiles and get to know each one online. There's a vast Christian network that has varied interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. You can check out their profiles and you may even find one that you like. Christian online dating has proved to be very effective for most people who participate with friendships and often blooms into serious relationships. Christian online dating provides a very comfortable environment and is considered safe.

The internet is a fine way to meet people, if a few precautions are taken. Meet the person after several chats, not just one or two, and meet them in a public place. Stay in a group of people the first few times, and let them know up front why.

Remaining positive has a number of benefits. First of all it helps you to remain focused on your goal of finding a partner to share your life. Secondly it portrays to your date how you feel about yourself, the date and the future. Thirdly, it allows you to continue dating even if the last date didn't proceed all that well.